Method of Identifying Human Trafficking’s Victims in Special Area: A Case of Mae La Temporary Shelter, Thasongyang District, Tak Province.

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Bandan Buadaeng
Patcharin Sirasoonthorn
Taweesak Siripornphaibul


There were numerous human trafficking’s victims resided in Mae La Temporary Shelter since its special area which was difficult to approach. So, how to search human trafficking’s victims in this area was challenged. Therefore, this paper focused the way how to find out human trafficking’s victims in this shelter. Mixed methodology was adopted to use including 1) quantitative survey research which population of displaced persons from fighting residing in the shelter aged greater than or equal 15 years old were sampled by using systematic selection method with 430 sample size and 2) qualitative research which applied investigation technique coupling with in-depth interview involving 27 key informants.    

The research showed that mixed methodology had efficient for screening human trafficking’s victims in Mae La Temporary Shelter. First, victims of displaced persons from fighting and residing in the shelter were selected from social factors including level of quality of life. Second, investigation technique was then applied for deeply identifying the target victims which was covered 27 individuals.  These victims were in-depth interviewed by considering Thai law definition and can be reduced into 14 human trafficking’s victims. Last these 14 victims were in-depth interviewed again to be classified into 9 victims which were beyond in the scope of research as origin at the shelter. The author suggested that combination among techniques as regarded above accompanying with the integration of social factors such as quality of life is useful for the study. Moreover, we highlighted that the “making too easy methods” is the greatest barrier for social scientists to identify their target group.

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How to Cite
Buadaeng, B., Sirasoonthorn, P., & Siripornphaibul, T. (2018). Method of Identifying Human Trafficking’s Victims in Special Area: A Case of Mae La Temporary Shelter, Thasongyang District, Tak Province. NIDA Development Journal, 58(1), 38–53. retrieved from


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