Cluster Analysis of Digital Immigrants based on Online Communication Behavior and Social Relationship Problems

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Bu-nga Chaisuwan


The research objectives are (1) to study the online communication behavior of digital immigrants (2) to cluster the group of digital immigrants and (3) to identify the social relationship problems. The online questionnaire survey with a total of 400 digital immigrants was used as the data collecting method.


The findings show that most of the digital immigrants use online communications on a daily basis consisting of searching information, chatting and keeping themselves updated about their friends' activities as well as the entertainment news. Besides, the most popular applications are LINE, Facebook, and YouTube. The Digital Immigrants are divided into 4 groups by K-Means Clustering Analysis, namely “Communication for wisdom”, “Communication is life”, “Peaceful and happy alone” and “Minimal communication”. The group of “Communication is life” spends the highest amount of communication time online; thereby, this group gets the highest probability of social relationship problems, such as internet addiction and loneliness. Nonetheless, this group still believes that they would receive social support when in needed.

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How to Cite
Chaisuwan, B.- nga. (2018). Cluster Analysis of Digital Immigrants based on Online Communication Behavior and Social Relationship Problems. NIDA Development Journal, 58(1), 54–73. retrieved from


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