A Causal Relationship Model Affecting the Aging’s Satisfaction with Tourist Attractions in Chonburi Province

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Banpot Wiroonratch


The objective of this research was to develop the causal relationship model affecting the elderly’s satisfaction with tourist attractions in Chonburi province. The study was a quantitative research and the questionnaire was used as tool for data collection. The participants were 240 Thai elderly tourists aged over 60 from 24 tourist attractions in Chonburi province. The hypothesis test was conducted to investigate the correlation between the developed causal relation model and empirical evidence by using the LISREL for the analysis of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).

      The results revealed that Thai elderly tourists were satisfied with traveling to Chonburi’ s historical sites at the highest level. According to the hypothesis testing, the causal relationship model was correlated to the empirical evidence at high level. The satisfaction of Thai elderly tourists was related to three causal factors namely, 1. Marketing factors, 2. Management factors, and 3. Physical factors, arranged by priority order. In conclusion, the development of Chonburi’s tourist attractions required the cooperation between government sectors and every involved private sector to enhance the elderly’s preference for traveling to Chonburi.

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How to Cite
Wiroonratch, B. (2018). A Causal Relationship Model Affecting the Aging’s Satisfaction with Tourist Attractions in Chonburi Province. NIDA Development Journal, 58(1), 147–168. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NDJ/article/view/117783


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