E-Learning about Internal Communication, Leadership Trust and Organizational Trust

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Duangta Duangekanong


This research reports on the effects of an organizational e-learning intervention to improve internal communication on leadership trust and organizational trust. The research is a case study of a Thai furniture manufacturing firm, in which formal internal communication processes are being developed to improve organizational performance. The research proposes a multi-stage model, with six system characteristics (user interface, learning community, system content, system operation, personalization, and expectance confirmation) influencing user satisfaction with the e-learning system; user satisfaction was then proposed as influencing leadership trust, which in turn influenced organizational trust. The study is analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM). Five of six system characteristics do have a significant influence on user satisfaction; user satisfaction did influence leadership trust, which in turn influence organizational trust as proposed.  The implication of this study is that using e-learning to train employees on key processes like internal communication can improve leadership and organizational trust.

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How to Cite
Duangekanong, D. (2019). E-Learning about Internal Communication, Leadership Trust and Organizational Trust. NIDA Development Journal, 59(1). Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NDJ/article/view/229826


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