Why Girls Do Not Report School-based Sexual Violence: A Socio-ecological Analysis in Indonesia
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Disclosure of sexual violence against children is often the first step to providing support to the victims. It is also essential for addressing impunity for sexual violence crimes and discouraging future violations. While there has been ample research on Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) disclosure, the focus on school-related sexual violence against children and adolescence is largely missing. This paper explores factors that prevent female students from disclosing school-related sexual violence in Indonesia using Bronfenbrenner (1977)’s ecological model. Based on a secondary analysis of the data gathered through four Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) involving high school and undergraduate students, experts, teachers, and lecturers, the factors preventing the disclosure of sexual violence at four levels of the victim’s environment were identified. The findings support that nondisclosure of school-related sexual violence is a result of complex interactions between the victims and their environmental contexts.
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