The Impact of Resource Threat on Chinese Overseas Students' Online Learning Behavioral Intentions in Thailand: The Moderating Role of Attitude
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Under the influence of social disruption, university students experience a significant loss effect on their resources, which greatly impacts their learning motivation. This study, based on Conservation of Resources Theory (COR) combining Social Impact Theory (SIT), examines students' willingness to adopt online learning under considerable pressure during significant social environmental changes. The research explores the potential moderating role of attitude towards online learning, shaped by factors such as social isolation and fear of the virus.
This study employs Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) based on COR theory and SIT for empirical analysis. A survey was conducted among Chinese students studying in Thailand (n=527), using online questionnaires and convenience sampling to collect data.
The analysis demonstrates that the model created for this study exhibits a good fit with the data. Exogenous latent variables, such as social influence resource (SIR), personal performance resources (PPR) show a positive correlation with online learning behavioral intentions(BI) (R2=0.379). Moreover, social isolation (SI) and COVID-Fear (CF) have a significant positive impact on the attitude(R2=0.148) toward online learning. Simultaneously, attitude(ATT) exerts a negative moderating effect on the relationship between PPR and BI.
By employing COR theory, this study reveals that students are willing to prevent further resource depletion when resources are threatened, they are more inclined to engage in online learning when facing social isolation and pandemic fear, mitigating the impact of social impact. The research uncovers a significant negative moderating effect of attitude on the relationship between individual performance resources and behavioral intentions.
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