The The Roles of Work- and Social-Related Social Media Usage in Facilitating Firm-Level Creative Capital and Innovative Job Performance

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Xuemei Sun


The use of social media in the workplace has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. While social media platforms can offer a range of benefits to organizations, including increased communication and collaboration, their impact on employee creativity remains unclear and organizational sustainable development. This study was grounded in social information processing theory to investigate the effects of both work-related and social-related social media usage on firm-level creative capital and employees’ innovative job performance. By applying a hybrid sampling design of snowball sampling method and convenience sampling method, 381 Chinese employees in mainland China were collected. The findings of the PLS-SEM analysis revealed that the proposed model has moderate explaining power on innovative job performance (R2 = .59) and firm-level creative capital (R2 = .40). This study provides empirical evidence supporting the social information processing theory from the social media perspective. Besides, the results suggest that managers should encourage and support the appropriate use of social media platforms by facilitating employees' participation in professional networks, providing access to collaboration tools, and recognizing innovative use of social media.

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How to Cite
Sun, X. (2024). The The Roles of Work- and Social-Related Social Media Usage in Facilitating Firm-Level Creative Capital and Innovative Job Performance. NIDA Development Journal, 64(2), 77–101. Retrieved from


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