Wage-Gender Inequality in Labor Market: Discrimination or Others

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Naphat Wuttaphan


The wage-gender inequality and discrimination has been intensively examined for sustainable development goals. This paper investigates empirical potential estimation and the extent of wage-gender inequality both traditional and contemporary analysis. Understanding the source of wage-gender discrimination and inequality gap will possibly assist HRD professionals to design the HRD policy and implementation more manageable by analyzing the scope and patterns of the gender pay gap and identifying possible reasons for its existence. This paper emphasizes the wage-gender discrimination concepts, factors affecting wage inequality in the labor market which are heterogeneous jobs, heterogeneous workers, labor market discrimination, as well as the related psychological factors that might affect wage-gender discrimination. Moreover, the role and how HRD professionals could possibly help to handle wage-gender discrimination and inequality will be discussed.

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How to Cite
Wuttaphan, N. (2024). Wage-Gender Inequality in Labor Market: Discrimination or Others. NIDA Development Journal, 64(2), 1–23. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NDJ/article/view/268453


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