Influences of Socially Responsible Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Perception toward Social Responsibility of Employee of PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited

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Nunnaphat Ariyarujikarn
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study relationship among socially responsible leadership organizational citizenship behavior and perception toward social responsibility 2) to study level of socially responsible leadership organizational citizenship behavior and perception toward social responsibility and 3) to study the influence of socially responsible leadership organizational citizenship behavior on perception toward social responsibility. The sample consisted of 300 employees . The research results found that correlation coefficient among observable variables were 0.303 – 0.768 and every variables had a significant level. From structural equation modeling, it found that socially responsible leadership had influence on organizational citizenship behavior with significantly and variance predicted by socially responsible leadership with 40 percent. Moreover, socially responsible leadership had direct effect to perception toward social responsibility with significantly and had indirect effect to organizational citizenship behavior with significantly and variance predicted by socially responsible leadership with 53 percent. Finally, organizational citizenship behavior had direct effect to perception toward social responsibility with significantly. Fit indices of the model were X2 / df = 1.02, CFI = 1.00, NNFI = 1.00, RMSEA = 0.008 and 90% CI for RMSEA = 0.00.

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