Supply Chain Management for Agrotourism in Rayong Province

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Jeeranun Khermkhan
Panya Mankeb
Natphasuth Patthirasinsiri


This paper has the objective to study the supply chain management for agrotourism in Rayong province. Moreover, it has used the quality research and quantitative research. The indebt interviews were conducted to collect data from 23 entrepreneurs of agrotourism in Rayong province, 5 travel agents and structured interview from 345 tourists. The result of this study it was found that the upstream of agrotourism are lack of capacity to accommodate tourists during the high season, low update in technology equipment, lack of data link, lack of efficiency recycle and good waste management. Moreover, agrotourism there are efficacy in attractive attraction, electricity water and food enough to meet the needs. In the middle stream of agro tourism, there are the homestays were not enough to accommodate for tourists. The Public transport is uncomfortable travel to agro tourism. The activities are variety such as travel around farm by guide or yourself, there is area for fruits buffet. In addition, tourist attractions do not have contracts with tour companies. Most tours interest on tourism in large agro tourism sites such as Suan YaiDa, Supatra Land and Suan Lung Thongbai. Downstream of agrotourism, the result found that their overall satisfaction levels towards the agrotourism of Rayong province were high (Mean = 3.77). But they still not satisfied with the service and ripeness of durian.

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