Factors that achieved to Business Management in Personnel of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bangkok Metropolis

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Narinee Saengsook


This research aims to studying in key success factors of business management in personnel of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bangkok Metropolis; comparing key success factors of personnel management in Bangkok, classified by gender, age, education, age of business, business type, and number of personnel; and studying in factors that achieved to business management in personnel of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangkok Metropolis. This was survey research by mix method techniques, between qualitative and quantitative. Samples of this studying were 405 entrepreneurs of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangkok Metropolis. Instrument for data collection was questionnaire with open-end and semi-structured interview. Analytical Statistics used in this research were frequency distribution, percentage, standard deviation, mean, T-test, One-way ANOVA, multiple comparison with LSD, and multiple linear regression. The result found that; 1. Entrepreneurs of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangkok Metropolis had opinion on success of business management in personal of Small and Medium Enterprises at medium level; on overall of factors that achieved to business management in personnel of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangkok Metropolis at medium level; and on overall of factors in organizational practice guideline at medium level. 2. Entrepreneurs of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangkok Metropolis differed in gender, age, and number of personnel had difference success in business management in personnel of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangkok Metropolis. But Entrepreneurs of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangkok Metropolis differed in education, age of business, and business type had no difference success in business management in personnel of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangkok Metropolis. 3. 4-Factors in organizational practice guideline, as welfare, working environment, facilities, and reward and acceptance, affected to success in business management in personnel of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangkok Metropolis with multiple correlation value 0.882 and predictive power of success in business management in personnel at .05 significant was 77.80 (R2 = 0.778).

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