Technology innovation and system quality affect the effectiveness of digital Marketing in Thailand 4.0 of Internet online Business

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Kittisak Ungkanawin


Study of technological innovation and system quality affecting the effectiveness of digital marketing in Thailand 4.0 In the Internet trading group, the objectives are 1) to study the strategic factors, technology innovation and the quality of digital marketing system in Thailand. 2) to study the effectiveness of digital marketing in Thailand 4.0 in the Internet trading and 3) to study the model of structural equation, innovation, technology and quality of the system. Effect on the effectiveness of digital marketing in Thailand 4.0 the research method was quantitative research. The number of Internet merchants. 500 samples, inferential statistics, categorical analysis (CFA), structural equation analysis (SEM) Correlation Coefficient of Chi-Square Value 176.197 / df = 147.0 / sig. = 0.051 / CMIN / df. = 1.199 / CFI = 0.975 / GFI = 0.931 / IFI = 0.992 / NFI = 0.992 / AGFI = 0.931 / RMSEA = 0.020 /RMR=0.008 All indices were statistically significant. The research found that the factors that positively influenced the effectiveness of digital marketing in Thailand 4.0 were the following: the diffusion of technological innovation of the organization, the communication process, the innovation, the technology, the characteristics, the innovation, the technology, the organization and the decision-making process. Influence indirectly on the effectiveness of digital marketing in Thailand 4.0 It was found that factors influenced by the spread of innovative technology, technological innovation, technology innovation, organizational innovation, technology quality, technological innovation. The technology is the communication process, the innovation, the technology, and the technology. In addition, the indirect positive influence factors on the effectiveness of digital marketing in Thailand 4.0 through the spread of technological innovation and the decision-making process of using the highest technology innovations were quality, innovation and technology. In addition, the research found that factors that directly influence the spread of technological innovation. Organization is the highest Quality, innovation, technology, and factors that directly influence the decision-making process utilize the highest technological innovation, ie, innovation, technology, organization, quality, innovation, technology, and technology diffusion. Positive to the decision-making process using technology innovation.

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