The Influence of Attitudes Toward Usability and Related Factors on the Intention Behaviors of Thai Wholesale and Retail Industry Employees in Using Technology

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Wanida Tanurak
Norapol Chinuntdej
Prayong Meechaisue


In this thesis, the researcher examines the influence of (1) the perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness, attitudes toward usability, and intention behaviors; (2) the effects of perceived usefulness on attitudes toward use and intention behaviors; and (3) attitudes toward usability and intention behaviors. The sample population consisted of 450 employees working in the wholesale and retail industries. Bangkok Metropolis was the area in which data were collected. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Using techniques of descriptive statistics, the data collected were analyzed in terms of mean and standard deviation. In addition, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient method and the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique were also employed by the researcher. Data were analyzed using a computer software program. Findings are as follows: The causal model for the influence of attitudes on usability and related factors on intention behaviors in the use of technology on the part of the personnel under study was found to be congruent with empirical data at a very good level. In carrying out hypothesis testing, the researcher found that all items were congruent with the set hypotheses postulated for this inquiry at the statistically significant level of .01. Research findings showed that the latent variable of perceived ease of use showed positive direct influence on perceived usefulness, positive direct and indirect influence on the attitudes of usability, and positive indirect influence on intention behaviors. The variable of perceived usefulness exhibited positive direct influence on attitudes toward the use and positive indirect influence on intention behaviors. The variable of attitudes toward usability evinced positive direct influence on intention behaviors. This means that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness exert positive effects on the attitudes and intention behaviors involving the use of technology by the personnel under investigation.

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