A Structural Equation Model of Factors Influencing Role Performance of Village Health Volunteers, Nakhon Sawan Province

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Suwat Bumrungsri
Thassaporn Chusak


The purpose of this study was to develop and test the structural equation model of factors influencing role performance of village health volunteers in public health Nakhon Sawan province. The samples were 431 village health volunteers in Nakhon Sawan province, which were selected by multistage random sampling. The research instruments were eight set of questionnaires: 1) Personal Data Form, 2) Job Characteristic Questionnaire, 3) Community Relationship Questionnaire, 4) Volunteerism Questionnaire, 5) Work Empowerment Questionnaire, 6) Self-Esteem Questionnaire, 7) Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, and 8) Community Commitment Questionnaire. Validity of the instruments was confirmed after a reviewed by 3 experts. Using Cronbach’s alpha criteria, reliability of the questionnaire were .80.85 .89 .93 .82 .90 .88 and .96. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, the confirmatory factor analysis and the test for the fitness between the hypothesis model and the empirical data were done by statistical program. Results showed the structural equation model of factor influencing role performance of village health volunteers designed by researcher was fitted with the empirical data. This was considered through well – fitted measures that were found were chi-square = 193.644, df= 113,p-value = 0.066, Relative Chi-Square = 1.714, GFI = 0.953, AGFI = 0.928, RMSEA = 0.042. These findings confirmed that Kanter’s structural theory of power in organizations (1979) and the ideas about psychological empowerment of Thomas and Velhouse (1990) and Spreitzer (1997), are useful guides for explaining and predicting a causal relationship model of factors influencing role performance of village health volunteers. Public Health Ministry or relevant authorities should design effective management to job characteristic, community relationship, volunteerism, self-esteem, job satisfaction and community commitment to promote and facilitate role performance effectiveness of village health volunteers.

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