Purchase Behavior and Opportunities of Buying Clothes and Shoes for the Elderly Customer in Thailand

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Yaowapa pathomsirikul
Chotirus Chawanich
Ream Saijam
Rattapon Sunson


This research aimed (1) to survey the aged customers' needs and behaviors on buying clothes,shoes in Thailand, 2) to analyze the aged personal factors which result the opportunities of buying clothes, shoes, and 3) to analyze the customers' needs and buying behaviors which result the opportunities of buying clothes, shoes in Thailand. This research was quantitative research, testing 580 samples of Thai elderly customers by using multistage sampling techniques. The data were collected by questionnaires. The statistics used in the research were descriptive statistics and the multinomial logistic regression; used to test the hypothesis. The research findings were; (1) the highest rate of aging groups' needs was casual clothes, secondly was working out fits which mainly must be worn comfortably, easily kept with modern design. The affordable price per head ranged from 500-1,000 Baht. Most of them bought clothes from the department stores.The clothes brands were not specified. The considered choices of buying shoes were comfortability. Shoes for health were the top priority. Wearing shoes conveniently and comfortably. The price per a pair was from 1,001 - 1,500 Baht. Mostly, they bought shoes from department stores and the brands were selective. (2) the personal factors of gender, educational background, income, income resources affect their choices of buying the outfits used for
working, casual clothes, and comfortable shoes for health. (3) Their needs and the reasons of purchasing behavior were for their good health. The frequency of buying affect the opportunity of buying working clothes. As well as TV media, sales people, the reasons of purchase and the frequency of buying affect
the opportunity of buying casual clothes. Price, reference groups and shoe sources sale affect their shoe choices for health. Media, Price and frequency of buying affect shoe brand selecting chosen bythe aging in Thailand.

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