Transformational Leadership, Knowledge Management, Learning Organization and Innovative Work Behavior in Secondary Education of School Office 1,2,3,4, and 6

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Somnuk Petchouy
Somdech Sittipongpitttaya


The purposes of this research were to study levels of transformational leadership, knowledge management, learning organization and innovative work behavior, to study relationship among transformational leadership, knowledge management, learning organization and innovative behavior and to study the totally influences of transformational leadership and knowledge management on learning organization and 4) to study totally influences of transformational leadership direct and indirect on knowledge management, learning organization and innovative work behavior in Secondary Education of School Office 1,2,3,4,6. The results were as follows : The level of transformational leadership, knowledge management, learning organization and innovative work behavior were high every factors . While result of correlation analysis were found between transformational leadership, knowledge management, learning organization
and innovation work behavior in statistically significant and results were influence of transformational leadership, knowledge management and learning organization finding were influence direct and indirect on innovation in Secondary Education of School Office 1,2,3,4,6 And when consider all that transformational leadership, knowledge management, learning organization were can explained and prediction by innovation work behavior the 77.20 (R²=0.772)percent of variance.

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