Development of a Training Program to Enhance Self-Directed Learning of Business Students at Kasetsart University

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Anusit Tangkananukulchai
Chakrit Ponathong
Jaruwan Skulkhu


The purposes of this study were to study self-directed learning components of business studies and to create a training program to enhance self-directed learning among Kasetsart University Business students. The subjects were two student groups at Kasetsart University Business school, Sriracha campus.
The first group of three hundred and seventy two were selected by stratified random sampling to participate in self-directed learning component study and the second group of thirty first year students to participate in the program validation process. The instruments used to collect data were 1) selfdirected learning questionnaires, 2) the training program and 3) achievement tests. The statistical methods used for analyzing the data included percentage, mean, standard deviation, confirmatory factor analysis and dependent sample t-test. The results were as follows: The confirmatory factor analysis significantly confirmed that the model of self-directed learning function could be divided into six factors: initiative learning, needs and goal attainment, learning plan, learning evaluation, learning resources and learning attitude. These six factors had high loading at a .05 level of significance and could be used to measure the self-directed learning of business students. The training program to enhance self-directed learning was highly appropriate and consistent and student achievement levels, which showed significantly higher scores after participation in the training program at the statistically significant .05 level.

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