Human Resource Development: Migrant Worker with One Stop Service, Bangkok Metropolitan and Vicinity, Thailand

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Napasorn Charoenpo


This research is a qualitative research. The study aims at investigating migrants one stop services and exploring the clients’ opinions toward the services at six centers located in Bangkok metropolitan and vicinity. Data were collected by observations, document reviews, and in-depth interviews from three groups; employer groups, government official group, and a group of migrant workers. The researcher analyzed data from the quotes from in-depth interviews with observation and reviewed of relevant documents. The findings from key informants are divided into six dimensions including: (1) the system offers a one stop service with the active role under the leadership of the commission; (2) importation of migrant workers; (3) the demand for migrant workers of enterprises; (4) creating discipline, zoning rights, and welfare of migrant groups; (5) the quality of life of migrants wanting to come to work in Thailand; and (6) impression recognized by employers and workers.

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