Influences of Green Consumer and Public Consciousness on Purchase Intention

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Kansita Konphatphonsakul
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the relationship among green consumer, public consciousness and purchase intention, 2) to study the influence of green consumer on purchase intention of green consumer both direct and indirect via public consciousness. The samples consisted of 400 green consumer. The data were analyzed through ; descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient analysis and path analysis. The results of 1) green consumer to positive relationship in higher with public consciousness and purchase intention at the statistical significance 0.858 and 0.769 (p < 0.01) and public consciousness to positive relationship in higher with purchase intention at the statistical significance 0.789 ( p < 0.01) 2) green consumer have direct effect to public consciousness in higher at the statistical significance (GCgPC, γ = 0.858, p< 0.01) and public consciousness have direct effect to purchase intention in medium at the statistical significance (PCgPI, β = 0.488, p< 0.01) 3) green consumer have effect to purchase intention lower at the statistical significance (GCgPI, γ = 0.350, p< 0.01) and green consumer have direct and indirect effect to purchase intention via public consciousness in medium at the statistical significance (GCgPCgPI,γβ(0.858X0.488) = 0.419, p< 0.01) and 65.40 percent of variability in purchase intention can be explain and predict by green consumer (R2 = 0.654)

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