Digital Marketing Development of Lotus Seeds Product Community Enterprise at Phichit Province

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Rungluksana Deejam
Jane Chantarasupasen


The purposes of this research are 1) to explore the internet usage behavior, online marketing mix, and decision to sell lotus seed products online of entrepreneurs in Phichit Province, 2) to explore the internet usage behavior, online marketing mix, and decision to sell lotus seed products online of customers in Phichit Province, and 3) to compare decisions to sell and buy lotus seed products online of entrepreneurs and customers in Phichit Province. The sample was a group of entrepreneurs of community enterprise and  customers who bought the products online in Phichit Province.The research instrument was a questionnaire. The results showed that 1) the entrepreneurs of community enterprise The entrepreneurs put emphasis. Regarding the decision to sell and buy lotus seed products online of entrepreneurs in Phichit Province. The entrepreneurs put emphasis on this aspect, overall, at a high level. The factors that revealed the highest means were searching for information 2) the customers who bought the products online in Phichit Province. The customers placed importance on online marketing mix, overall, at a high level. Regarding the decision to sell and buy lotus seed products online of the customers in Phichit Province. The highest factors were searching for information and 3) When comparing the decisions to sell and buy lotus seed products online of entrepreneurs and customers in Phichit Province, the results showed that they both put emphasis on this aspect, overall, at a high level. Making their decision to buy products online since it was convenient, and they could buy products online through their smartphones or the Internet. Currently, Facebook is the most used channel, followed by Line application.

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