

  • ฐานวัฒน์ นำชัยธนานนท์
  • พนิดา ชินสุวพลา
  • ณัฐพล ขันธไชย


Government policy, Condominium Act BE 2522, foreign ownership, condominium


PURPOSES: To study problems, obstacles and appropriateness of the Thai government policy on foreign ownership of condominium in Bangkok metropolitan area and to suggest policy and development measures for an effective implementation of the policy. METHODS: It was a mixed method research of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative data were collected by a sample survey of 5 groups of people, namely government officials, experts from the private sector, condominium business entrepreneurs, foreign buyers of condominium and Thai buyers of condominium, totaling 275 respondents. In-depth interviews were adopted for collecting qualitative data from 35 key informants. Descriptive analysis and  test were used for analytical purposes.  RESULTS: The Condominium Act of BE 2522 (Amendment in BE 2522) was inappropriate in the contemporary economic and social context of Thailand and created problems and obstacles for condominium business and economy of Thailand, particularly in central Bangkok because of its restriction of foreign ownership of maximum 49 percent of the units in a condominium. To overcome the restriction, foreigners turned to illegal nominees for an occupation of condominium units. CONCLUSIONS: The Condominium Act of BE 2522 needs to be amended so that it can encourage foreign investment and economic development in Thailand.




How to Cite

นำชัยธนานนท์ ฐ. ., ชินสุวพลา พ. ., & ขันธไชย ณ. (2021). การประเมินนโยบายรัฐบาลไทยเกี่ยวกับการถือกรรมสิทธิ์อาคารชุดของคนต่างด้าวในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร. KASEM BUNDIT JOURNAL, 22(1), 1–17. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jkbu/article/view/252095



Research articles