Knowledge Management of Local Wisdom in Weaving and Crafting Reed for Community Enterprise Group of Handicrafts from Woven Reed Mat in Huay Tard Village, Village No. 4, Na Dok Kham Sub-District, Na Duang District, Loei Province

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Thairoj Phoungmanee
Oranuch Saengsuk
Naiyana Ajanathorn
Kochasee Jarornsuk


This article aimed to 1) study the context area of Huay Tard Village, Na Duang District, Loei Province, and 2) manage the knowledge of local wisdom in weaving and handicrafts from reed mats of the Community Enterprise group in Huay Tard Village, Loei Province. This research was qualitative, using the concept of knowledge management as a research framework and Huay Tard village as the research area. The key informants were purposefully selected from village headmen, community enterprise group members, local scholars, and development officers’ representatives, totaling 12 informants. There were 3 research tools: 1) an interview form; 2) a focus group discussion; and 3) a meeting. The obtained data was analyzed by content analysis and written as a descriptive narrative. The results were as follows:

1. Huay Tard is a village in Na Duang District, Loei Province. The villagers have a career in agriculture. Their local wisdom is weaving and handicrafts made from reed mats. A community enterprise group was established with 35 members to generate income for the villagers using their free time.

2. At the village, there is the local wisdom of weaving and handicrafts from reed mats inherited from ancestors by selecting reeds with appropriate age and length that are threaded, dried, dyed, and woven to make products. Some of the weavings and handicrafts made from reed mats are processed into products according to the needs of buyers and developed with the quality to be OTOP products.

In terms of the knowledge obtained from this research, Huay Tard village’s wisdom of weaving and handicrafts from reed mats is operated with systematic management. Therefore, there is information that helps the community and those who are interested in learning and driving local wisdom towards conservation.

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How to Cite
Phoungmanee, T., Saengsuk, O., Ajanathorn, N., & Jarornsuk, K. (2023). Knowledge Management of Local Wisdom in Weaving and Crafting Reed for Community Enterprise Group of Handicrafts from Woven Reed Mat in Huay Tard Village, Village No. 4, Na Dok Kham Sub-District, Na Duang District, Loei Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2368–2387. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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