Factors influencing the behavior of online food ordering via Grab Food of consumers in Khlong Yong Subdistrict, Phutthamonthon District, Nakhon Pathom Province


  • Kittiampol Sudprasert
  • Bunyaporn Phoothong
  • Anuch Nampinyo
  • Suwaj Dansomboon


Service Marketing Mix, Brand Image, Online Food Ordering, Grab Food


At present, the service business sector needs to drive service efficiency. The key factor is customer behavior data. Executives need to analyze strategies for improving products and services to satisfy customers’ needs and meet their needs continuously. The objectives of the present research were 1) to study the differences in demographic factors affecting the behavior of online food ordering via Grab Food among consumers in Khlong Yong, Phutthamonthon, Nakhon Pathom, and 2) to study the influence of factors on consumers' behavior of online food ordering via Grab Food. This study classified the population according to their characteristics such as sex, age, educational level, occupation and average monthly income. Quantitative research was used as a research protocol. The questionnaire was a tool for collecting data from 400 consumers who ordered food through the online application, Grab Food. Descriptive statistics and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were used for statistical ​​analysis. The results showed that most of the respondents were female. Most of them were over 30 years old, had a bachelor's degree, were self-employed, earned over 15,000 baht monthly income of, and most were married/living together. The results showed that the service marketing mix had the greatest influence on brand image factors, followed by brand image factors affecting online food ordering behavior factors and service marketing mix factors influencing factors on online food ordering behavior, respectively. All factors were 0.5 statistically significant. Therefore, the results of this research enable the service sector to drive efficient service delivery in the present era and to continually improve products and services to meet customers’ satisfaction and demand


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