Causal Factors Innovative Work Behavior of Employees in Local Administrative Organizations in Sakon Nakhon Province
Transformational leadership, Perceived organizational justice, Work engagement, Organizational trust, Innovative work behaviorsAbstract
The objective of this research aims 1) examines the level of causal factors namely
transformational leadership perceived organizational justice work engagement organizational
trust and innovative work behavior 2) examines the causal factors influencing innovative work
behavior and 3) proposes policies for developing the innovative working behavior. This
research employs mixed method research methodology and uses stratified random sampling to
obtain 293 samples from the employees in local administrative organizations in Sakon Nakhon
Province. Additionally, this research uses questionnaire and semi-structure interview for collect
data from samples. For the statistics, this research uses means, standard deviation, correlation
coefficient, regression analysis and path analysis techniques. The result of this research
founds the levels of transformational leadership, perceived organizational justice, work
engagement, organization trust and innovative work behaviors are considered as ‘high’ levels;
transformational leadership has influences the innovative work behaviors at significance.
Conversely, perceived organizational justice has no significance influences the innovative work
behaviors. Moreover, work engagement has influences the innovative work behaviors at
significance. Likewise, organization trust has influences the innovative work behaviors at
significance. For transformational leadership has influences the work engagement at
significance. Perceived organizational justice has influences on the work engagement at
significance. Transformational leadership has influences on the organization trust at
significance. Additionally, transformational leadership and perceived organizational justice have
indirect influence on the Innovative work behaviors by work engagement and organizational
trust at mediators. In summation, all causal factors have 84.60 percent predicts the innovative
work behaviors of the employees in local administrative organizations in Sakon Nakhon
Province. This research also provides policies for developing the innovative working behavior
of the employees in local administrative organizations in Sakon Nakhon Province includes the
policy recommendation should be the organizational management development system, the
holistic employee development system and the executives and personal development
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