School Effectiveness


  • Natee Maneerat Siam University


School effectiveness, School Effectiveness Model, School Effectiveness Index


The School effectiveness was the first introduced since early 1950. Hower, it is too complicated to define school effectiveness because too many factors influence the effectiveness of the school There was a study about school effectiveness in the  early 1970 indicated that effective school received less attention in the education field because of schools believed that there were factors in the school did not effect on the student achievement. Where as in the early 1980, the  study found that all activities at school can influence the effectiveness of the school. The school effectiveness often used as a measurement of evaluating the success of the teachers in terms of knowledge skills, attitudes, personality, student s value and  academic achievement as well. The purpose of this article to review the school effectiveness studied by international researchers and schools. This article was written based on the concept of school effectiveness, the theory of school effectiveness model by Scheenrens, Uline Miler and Megan, elements of school effectiveness process of school effectiveness, effective school characteristics and school effectiveness index






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