Evaluation and Guidelines for Development of Distance Education Management Via Satellite of Schools under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
Evaluate of Education Management, Distance Education Management Via Satellite, Guidelines for DevelopmentAbstract
The objectives of this study to evaluate and study the guidelines for the development of distance education management via satellite of schools under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The population consisted of 61 schools under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 with four informants from each school that consisted of one school administrator, one academic teacher, and two teachers, a total of 244 people. There are 7 senior experts consisted of one director, one deputy director of Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, one supervisor, and four school directors. The research instruments were a five-rating scale questionnaire and an interview form. The data analysis used in this research were mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The results showed that 1) the overall result of the evaluation for the development of distance education management via satellite was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was at a high level in all aspects, the highest aspect being the productivity assessment and the lowest aspect being the input assessment 2) the guidelines for the development of distance education management via satellite 2.1) overall, original affiliation should organize training, provide a budget to develop, improve or repair materials and equipment, and should supervise and follow up 2.2) input assessment, there should develop and promote personnel, provide fund or sponsors, and make the operation manual 2.3) contextual assessment, schools should organize a meeting to clarify teachers, parents, and school committees and analyze the distance education management via satellite in accordance with the context of the schools and the needs of students and communities 2.4) process assessment, original affiliation should organize training, develop teachers in using media, materials and equipment, support teachers to study manuals and teaching schedule before teaching and then analyze the results from teaching 2.5) productivity assessment, original affiliation should organize training, encourage and support teachers to develop their students' reading, writing and critical thinking skills, compare the result and find the difference of each academic year and encourage and support schools to measure and evaluate students' ability to read, write and critical thinking.