Promotion Strategy for the Entrepreneurs Small and Medium Enterprises in Phuket for Tourism Phuket Sandbox


  • Supattra Klammart Rangsit University


Strategy, Business Entrepreneurs, Tourism Phuket Sandbox


The purpose of this article is to study the tourism situation in Thailand, visitor behavior, Phuket Sandbox restrictions, ways to alleviate the impact of tourism in Thailand, and tourism management tactics in the period of the COVID-19 outbreak. This aims to encourage small and medium-sized business entrepreneurs and to align with Thailand's tourist revival plan, which has selected Phuket City as a trial region under the Phuket Sandbox project (Phuket Sandbox), which has a direct impact on tourism to the pandemic situation of COVID-19. As a result, all relevant sectors must work together to grow and promote tourist industry operators through the use of current-situation strategies: (1) SO Strategy (2) WO Strategy (3) WT Strategy and (4) ST Strategy.Which must take into account the availability of resources available in each tourist destination and focus on reducing costs by applying digital technology as much as possible. In this regard, there must be an awareness of safety and health. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the health tourism model, which will lead to income generation that contributes to a stable, prosperous, and sustainable economic recovery.






บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)