Responsibilities and ethics for publishing in academic journals

Journal of Social Development and Strategic Management Have a duty and commitment to:
- Maintain editorial independence and freedom.
- Support the editorial team in operating the journal in an ethical and transparent manner.
- Maintain accuracy and transparency in academic content. This includes amending or withdrawing articles when necessary.

Duties and responsibilities of the author
- Certify that the work is your own work. Do not copy or use other people's work as your own.
- Certify that the work has not been published elsewhere before. and is not under consideration for publication in other journals.
- Where information in writing is taken from various sources (including references to one's own work), citations must be accurate and complete.
- Ensure that the work does not infringe on the rights of others, including privacy rights and intellectual rights.
- Certify that the information in the work is true. Do not create or distort false information.
- Certify that the information in the work is your own. or have received proper permission to use such information in publishing
- Ethical guidelines for human and animal research must be followed correctly where the work is involved.
- Authors must contact the editor to identify and correct data errors when discovered, either before or after the work is published.
- Must strictly follow the ethics of the author. All authors listed must be acknowledged and must have made a significant contribution to the work.

Duties and responsibilities of the performance evaluator
- Evaluate work fairly and without bias.
- Maintain the confidentiality of the performance evaluation process.
- Notify the editorial team if there is a conflict of interest between the evaluator and the author.

Duties and responsibilities of the editorial team
- Maintain and promote the journal's policy regarding publishing ethics. Check for duplicate typing and academic plagiarism
- Promote equality, fairness and eliminate discrimination in every work process.
- Supervise and take steps to enforce policies as necessary in an appropriate and fair manner.
- Ensure confidentiality and transparency of the performance evaluation process.
- Uphold the highest standards of personal integrity in your work as an editor. There is planning to prevent conflicts of interest in various processes.
- Work with authors, evaluators, and editorial committee members correctly, appropriately, and without bias according to publishing ethics principles.

Human and animal research ethics
- In the case of research that is within the scope of human research Authors should include the human research ethics certificate number (if any).