Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration
  • Write the name of the main article owner, e-mail, and telephone number. and workplace Please follow the article writing form specified by the journal. (Please see an example in the article writing format)
  • Preparing the manuscript: Title, abstract, and keywords must be in both Thai and English. and according to the guidelines for preparing manuscripts provided by the Journal of Social Development and Management Strategic .
  • References in the content And the references at the end of the article are used according to APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines and must cite the source correctly. There is no problem with academic plagiarism (Plagiarism).
  • The original must be typed in Microsoft Word. Using the letters TH Sarabun PSK, images, charts, and tables are displayed in a consistent manner.
  • Authors register to use the Thaijo 2.0 system and submit articles online through the system at https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jsd
  • In the case of research that is within the scope of human research Authors should include the human research ethics certificate number (if any).

Submitting articles

Submitting the original article for publication in the Journal of Social Development Can be sent through the Thaijo system at https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jsd or via email address jsdnida@hotmail.com Along with attaching a document file that specifies the details of the article author (Author(s)) including name, position and affiliation. or highest educational qualification any one It is available in both Thai and English. Only the person responsible for the article (Corresponding Author) specify address Telephone number or E-mail where you can be contacted.

However, if you have additional questions, you can contact us at Editorial Board of Social Development Journal Faculty of Social Development and Strategic Management National Institute of Development Administration 148 Seri Thai Road, Khlong Chan Subdistrict, Bang Kapi District, Bangkok 10240 Telephone 02-727-3105 Fax 02-377-6764

Article consideration policy

Articles submitted for consideration for publication in the Journal of Social Development will be evaluated by the Division. Editors and experts According to the following criteria for consideration and duration:

  • Articles proposed for publication in the journal must contain content that has academic value in the interdisciplinary field of social development. As stated above and the original article follows the specified format. (See details for preparing the manuscript) The editorial team will conduct preliminary consideration and screening of the article. Within 2 weeks after receiving the article
  • Articles that have passed preliminary consideration The content will be evaluated in detail from the editorial team. From at least 3 experts as determined by the editorial team. The evaluator will not know who the article proposer is. The same is true for those submitting articles who do not know who the evaluator is. (Double-blind Peer Review) The editorial team will inform you of the evaluation results from experts. along with considerations for corrections (if any) within approximately 4 – 6 weeks
  • Articles that pass the initial evaluation by experts will be finally reviewed for academic accuracy by the editorial team and experts who evaluate the articles. (If requested) The editorial team will inform you of the results of article review. After the article has been edited within a period of 2 – 4 weeks.

However, the decision of the editorial team is final. The editorial team reserves the right to edit the content and/or format of the manuscript. published in the journal As the editors deem appropriate

Manuscript preparation
The original article submitted for consideration for publication in the journal must be in the form of a .doc file of Microsoft Word or equivalent. The length of the manuscript must not exceed 30 pages using B5 paper size (including abstracts, images, tables and references). The manuscript should include the following elements:

Article title
Have both Thai and English (use the letters TH SarabunPSK, bold letters, size 24) center the page.

Name and surname of the author/researcher
- No need to specify a title, use the letters TH SarabunPSK, size 16, align to the far right.
- If there are 2 or more people, type their names and display lowercase English letters in superscript. (Superscript) and space 1 time, such as “person 1a, person 2b, person 3c”
- Name of position, department and e-mail, use the letters TH SarabunPSK, size 12, put them at the bottom of the paper (do like a footnote).

Must be in both Thai and English

3 - 5 words in both Thai and English. Use normal font TH SarabunPSK size 15. As for the title "Keywords" "Keywords" use bold letters.

Be in Thai or English, use TH SarabunPSK font size 15 and have no more than 3 headings: the first order, such as the introduction, use font size 18, bold. The second order use font size 15, bold, and the third order use Font size 15, italics, and should include the following headings.

Research articles include:
1) Introduction 2) Literature review 3) Research methods 4) Research results and discussion 5) Conclusions and recommendations 6) Acknowledgments (if any) 7) References (In English both within the body and at the end of the article)

Academic articles
Follow the format and standards for academic writing.

Pictures, tables and equations
Displaying additional details with illustrations, tables, graphs, or charts may be used as appropriate. In the case of a table, put the table name at the top. In the case of pictures or charts Include the name of the picture or chart below.

writing references
1. The reference format in the passage and at the end of the book uses the noun-year reference system according to the format of the American Psychological Association (APA).
2. Reference list from documents of Thai authors, references must be translated into English. and bibliography Or references at the end of the book must be translated into English for every item and put the word [In Thai] or (In Thai) after the title.