Manuscript preparation
The original article submitted for consideration for publication in the journal must be in the form of a .doc file of Microsoft Word or equivalent. The length of the manuscript must not exceed 30 pages using B5 paper size (including abstracts, images, tables and references). The manuscript should include the following elements:

Article title
Have both Thai and English (use the letters TH SarabunPSK, bold letters, size 24) center the page.

Name and surname of the author/researcher
- No need to specify a title, use the letters TH SarabunPSK, size 16, align to the far right.
- If there are 2 or more people, type their names and display lowercase English letters in superscript. (Superscript) and space 1 time, such as “person 1a, person 2b, person 3c”
- Name of position, department and e-mail, use the letters TH SarabunPSK, size 12, put them at the bottom of the paper (do like a footnote).

Available in both Thai and English.

3 - 5 words in both Thai and English. Use normal font TH SarabunPSK size 15. As for the title "Keywords" "Keywords" use bold letters.

Be in Thai or English, use TH SarabunPSK font size 15 and have no more than 3 headings: the first order, such as the introduction, use font size 18, bold. The second order use font size 15, bold, and the third order use Font size 15, italics, and should include the following headings.

Research articles include:
1) Introduction 2) Literature review 3) Research methods 4) Research results and discussion 5) Conclusions and recommendations 6) Acknowledgments (if any) 7) References (In English both within the body and at the end of the article)

Academic articles
Follow the format and standards for academic writing.

Pictures, tables and equations
Displaying additional details with illustrations, tables, graphs, or charts may be used as appropriate. In the case of a table, put the table name at the top. In the case of pictures or charts Include the name of the picture or chart below.

writing references
1. The reference format in the passage and at the end of the book uses the noun-year reference system according to the format of the American Psychological Association (APA).
2. Reference list from documents of Thai authors, references must be translated into English. and bibliography Or references at the end of the book must translate every item into English and put the word [In Thai] or (In Thai) after the title.

Article writing form
1. Research article
2. Academic articles


Reference format: APA (American Psychological Association) style.