The Selection Criteria of Suitable Locations for Waste Sub-transfer Station Establishment Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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Sasamon Monthalay
Karika Kunta


Apply the Analytical Hierarchy Process techniques in the decision-making process for finding suitable criteria for site selection for building waste sub transfer stations. The objective is to study the application of hierarchical analysis methods in the decision-making process for selecting the appropriate locations. The sample group used in the study is experts in waste collection and waste transportation—the decision-making process in the selection process total of 7 experts by selecting the specific sample. The results divided into four mains criteria namely physical, economic, social, environmental and 11 sub-criteria which are land use, distance from main waste disposal center, size of the area, fuel cost, land price, number of waste collection vehicles, population density, proximity to community, waste separation behavior, the buffer line of the water source, and flooded areas. From the weight analysis results of the main factors, we found that the economic factors have the highest mean weight (35.82%), followed by the social factors (24.14%), environment factor (22.54%), and the least important factors are physical factors (20.20%). Besides, the top 5 most important factors are the fuel cost (12.76%), followed by the Waste separation behavior (12.34%), the land cost (11.23%), waste separation behavior (11.21%), distance from the community (11.21%) and the number of waste truck (10.69%) respectively.

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How to Cite
Monthalay, S., & Kunta, K. . (2020). The Selection Criteria of Suitable Locations for Waste Sub-transfer Station Establishment Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Journal of Social Development and Management Strategy, 22(2), 162–177. retrieved from
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