Factors Predicting Family Strength Case Study of Pa Sao Subdistrict Community, Mueang District Uttaradit Province

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๋๋Jakkrite Pinyaphong
Padetkan Kunhamcb
Sunee Kuncham


The purpose of this analytical research was to study families situations and factors affecting a family’s strength in Pa Sao subdistrict community Mueang District Uttaradit Province. The sample was representative of the head of the family obtained through systematic random sampling. Data were collected using questionnaires. The statistic analysis consisted of descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression. The results showed that the sample was the head of the family, 70.33%, the average age was 59.89 years (S.D.=13.53). The highest level of education of the head of the sample was primary school (57.35%), and single families (78.33%). The average number of family member was 4 (S.D. = 1.72). The special family characteristics were family without child (37.88%), families providing child care (25.76%), single-parent families (21.21%), and families with only the elderly alone and families with the elderly provided child care (7.58%. 60.67%, respectively). The family members with high dependency were the elderly (80.81%). The overall family strength was at a moderate level with average 144.81 (S.D.=12.52). Risk and management in difficult situations (β=0.781), economic self-reliance (β=0.344), family relationships (β=0.290), can predict family strength by 36.6% (R2=0.366).

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How to Cite
Pinyaphong ๋., Kunhamcb , . P. ., & Kuncham, S. (2023). Factors Predicting Family Strength Case Study of Pa Sao Subdistrict Community, Mueang District Uttaradit Province. Journal of Social Development and Management Strategy, 25(1), 1–18. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jsd/article/view/260891
บทความวิจัย Research Article


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