Editorial Ethics:

The Editorial Team is committed to ensuring that all published articles are original works of the author(s), and do not include any instances of plagiarism or fraudulent data.

The Editorial Team treats all submissions in a fair and unbiased manner, without regard to the author's race, gender, religion, nationality, or institutional affiliation. JSEL uses the journal’s standard electronic submission system for all journal communications.

The Editorial Team respects the confidentiality of all submissions, and will not disclose any information regarding the manuscript to any unauthorized persons (including reviewers).

The Editorial Team ensures that all published articles meet the ethical standards of the journal, including the avoidance of conflicts of interest and the protection of participants in research.

The Editorial Team can reject a manuscript at any stage of the submission process if the author(s) violates any of the author ethics listed below.

Author Ethics:

Authors must ensure that submitted articles are original works, and have not been submitted to any other journal or previously published elsewhere.

Authors must accurately and truthfully report their research findings, and must not falsify, fabricate, or misrepresent any data or results.

Authors must properly cite and acknowledge the works of others used in their research, and must not engage in any form of plagiarism. If your manuscript contains excerpts from other work, particularly Figures, Tables, literary extracts, etc., please contact the original authors/publishers before submitting the final version to seek permission to use their work.

If primary data are included, research participants should have signed an informed consent form, and the author should have ethical approval for their study from their university (or an exemption letter).

Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence their research or the interpretation of their results.

Articles must be written in English and not include libelous or defamatory material.

Reviewer Ethics:

Reviewers must maintain confidentiality of the manuscript and must not disclose any information regarding the manuscript to unauthorized persons.

Reviewers must provide a fair, unbiased, and constructive evaluation of the manuscript, without regard to personal opinions on issues such as race, religion, gender, sexuality, and so on.

Reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest that may interfere with their ability to objectively review the manuscript.

Reviewers must respect the intellectual property of the author(s) and must not use any information from the manuscript for their own research without permission from the author(s).

Review Process:

JSEL operate a double-blind peer review process. The process proceeds entirely through our online system and is as follows:

1. Manuscripts are screened by the Journal Manager for formatting, length, and plagiarism (originality of written language). If papers are not formatted correctly, or they are over the stated word count for that paper type, they will be returned to the author for correction. Acceptable level for originality is 20%. Papers that are over this limit will be checked by the Editor, who will decide if the paper can resubmitted or not.

2. If passed by the Editor (or Editorial Team Member), the manuscript is assigned to three reviewers for double-blind peer-review. To comply with TCI regulations, all invited reviewers are PhD holders who specialize in the area/topic of the submitted manuscript. Moreover, invited reviewers cannot be from the same institution as any of the manuscript’s authors. Reviewers are paid a small sum to compensate them for their time. Reviews typically take between 3 to 10 weeks, depending on the availability of Reviewers and the speed with which they reply.

3. When all three reviews are complete, the Editor makes a decision to accept, accept with minor/major changes, or reject the manuscript. If a paper needs to be revised, it may or may not be sent back to the same reviewers, depending on the amount of revision required and the availability of the reviewers. At this stage, the Editor may also make suggestions on how the paper can be further improved in addition to the comments from Reviewers.

4. Upon acceptance, the Editorial Team will make copyedit suggestions to improve the readability of the manuscript. Any suggested edits will only be made permanent with the author’s permission.