Peer Review Process
The peer review process of the Journal of Studies in the English Language involves the following steps:

1. Submission
Authors submit their anonymised manuscript, along with figures and tables, and complete the necessary information using the online ThaiJO system.

2. Initial Screening for Completeness and Plagiarism (7 days)
The Managerial Team reviews the manuscript to verify that it conforms to the stated article type in terms of required sections and word limit, following the Author Guidelines. Manuscripts that do meet our Author Guidelines will be returned to the author, where they are given the chance to remedy the situation. If a paper, meets our Author Guidelines, the manuscript is then uploaded to Turnitin to check the level of originality. An acceptable level is 15% and under, but each submission will be checked manually. Any submission above this level will be rejected.

3. Editorial Assessment (7–14 days)
The Editor-in-Chief or one of the Associate Editors will be assigned to handle the submission. The assigned editor will review the manuscript to ensure it fits within the scope of the journal and meets the basic standards of quality, relevance, and novelty. An initial decision is made at this stage to send for review or reject.

4. Peer Review (28-42 days)
If the paper meets the basic standards of quality, relevance, and novelty, the handling editor will assign three reviewers from institutions different from that of the author to evaluate the manuscript using a double-blind review process. Reviewers can make one of the following recommendations:
          • Accept without revision.
          • Accept with minor revision.
          • Accept with major revision.
          • Reject.
The handling editor reads the reviews and makes an informed decision The review outcomes will be communicated to the corresponding author through the online ThaiJO system.

5. Revision (21-26 days)
If a recommendation to revise is given, the author must attend to the reviewers’ comments/suggestions in a systematic and thoughtful way. The revised manuscript must be uploaded into the ThaiJo system alongside a detailed cover letter or reviewer response table. In either of these documents, the author must outline any changes made or not made. If authors disagree with any minor or major comments from the reviewers, they must provide well-founded rebuttals against them. The editorial board may send the manuscript for re-evaluation by one or two experts if needed. The journal reserves the right to reject the manuscript if the authors do not adequately address the recommended revisions.

6. Editor-in-Chief’s Decision (~7 days)
The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision.