1. Manuscripts must be original, unpublished works, and should not be under review with any other journal at the time of submission.

2. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). This means they should be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, and single-spaced. You must also include a running head with page numbers, and include properly formatted section headers. To make it easier for reviewers, the journal has one exception to APA formatting requirements: figures and the tables should be placed near the relevant text in the manuscript, rather than at the end of the manuscript.

3. Reference entries should also follow APA 7th edition, which means that active DOI hyperlinks are required for sources that have DOIs.

4. The first page of the manuscript must contain the following information: (1) the title in bold typeface, Times New Roman, size 12 font and (2) an abstract in one paragraph (150 -250 words) accompanied by a list of three to five keywords.

5. Authors are responsible for editing their own manuscript prior to submission.

6. Attached to all submitted manuscripts should be a 50-word biodata page that includes the author’s present academic or non-academic position, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

7. jSEL adopts an online submission system. To submit your manuscripts please proceed to the register page: https://www.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jsel/submissions

8. jSEL provides an MS Word Style Sheet Template for free at the following link: https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jsel/issue/view/16713

9. jSEL publishes several types of articles: Empirical Research Articles (max. 9000 words inclusive of references; IMRD format); Academic Articles (max. 7000 words excluding references mainly in English literature and literature theory); Review Articles (max. 5000 words including references); Book Reviews of recent publications are also accepted (up to 1500 words).


Academic Articles (4000-7000 words)

jSEL welcomes academic articles that focus on theoretical and methodological issues. This includes papers on questions of theory and established methodologies, literary and cultural studies, the study of literary texts, as well as the stylistic analysis of literary and non-literary texts. Papers in which an established literary theory is merely applied to a given text or corpus of texts (e.g. case studies) will only be considered for publication if they advance the field in some way.


Empirical Research Articles (7000-9000 words, including references; excluding Appendix)

jSEL welcomes research papers that report on original empirical work that use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method approaches. Empirical Research Articles should include the following elements:

Title:  Concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.

Abstract: Concise and factual summary of purpose, methods, results, and major implications (200-250 words). Please do not include references or abbreviations.

Keywords: Three to five keywords that are not present in the title

Introduction: State the context of the study, outline the research problem (rationale), and how your paper contributes to solving the research problem;

Literature Review: Include the most recent research on the topic as well as the more general research area in which the study is situated. Should state the theoretical framework that guides the study and describe key concepts that your reader needs to know.

Methods: Provide sufficient detail that your work can be thoroughly understood and replicated by others. Include, where relevant, information on the research design and setting/context, research sample (e.g., participants) and data sources, data collection (procedure), any measures or materials, and data analysis (e.g., coding schemes)

Results: Present and describe findings in a succinct manner;

Discussion: Discuss how your findings contribute to answering your research questions (interpretation) and how they link to other findings in the field. You may combine Results and Discussion into one section if more suitable for your approach.

Conclusion: State how your paper has contributed (i.e., the significance of your research)—do not simply repeat what you have said in the Discussion section; indicate the paper’s limitations; make suggestions for further research.

Appendix (if there is one): If there is more than one, should be identified as A, B, etc.

References: Should include at least 10 up-to-date references


Review Articles (max. 5000 words including references)

Review articles are papers that offer succinct, up-to-date reviews of a current topic. They should offer some implications for moving the field further and thus balance summary with discussion/critique. Papers that offer only summaries will be desk rejected.


Book Reviews (max. 1500 words)

jSEL publishes reviews of books relevant to jSEL’s scope and aims. If you would like to review a book for the Journal of Studies in the English Language, then please contact the Reviews Editor at warangrut.d@ku.th.