Behind the Scores: In Search of the Predictive Validity of O-NET Scores to Academic Achievements of English Major Students

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Aratchaphorn Pensiri
Dumrong Adunyarittigun


Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET), a high-stakes test, is used for the purpose of accountability in Thai educational system, evaluating academic performance of students and a gate-keeper to recruit prospective candidates into certain programs of universities in Thailand. Even though the test has been widely used to serve the latter, there is a need for empirical evidence to prove its predictive validity and to investigate lecturers’ attitude towards the O-NET. This study investigated 1) the relationship between O-NET scores and academic achievements, 2) its predictive validity and 3) lecturers’ attitudes towards the use of the O-NET for recruiting students into an English major program of a public university in Thailand. The samples were the O-NET scores in foreign language (English) and academic achievements from academic years 2010 to 2014. Nine lecturers were purposively selected to participate in the semi-structured interview. The resuts demonstrated that the O-NET score was related to academic achievements and could predict academic achievements of English major students. Moreover, the lecturers believed that the O-NET was an effective instrument for recruiting students to English major program.

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How to Cite
Pensiri, A., & Adunyarittigun, D. (2019). Behind the Scores: In Search of the Predictive Validity of O-NET Scores to Academic Achievements of English Major Students. Journal of Studies in the English Language, 14(2), 17–48. retrieved from
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