The Principle of Sikhism on “One soul in two bodies” and the Wedding Ceremony “Anand Karaj” of the Thai Sikh Community


  • อภิรัฐ คำวัง Centre for Bharat Studies, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University


Sikh/Sikhism, Sikhs, Thai Sikh community, Anand Karaj/ Marriage in Sikhism, Invitation card, Punjabi culture/Indian culture


The “Anand Karaj” ceremony is the wedding ceremony of the Sikhs. The Sikh couple must undergo this ceremony only. In Sikhism, marriage follows the principle of “One soul in two bodies”. Both husband and wife must possess the real love as the Sikh wedding has a deeply meaning and carries value of life. It is expected that do not divorce. The process of wedding is simple where would be no engagement which can be organized any day or any time.

About half of century ago the Thai Sikh community in Bangkok invited the guests for wedding by sending messengers, the carrier for invitation at the all guest’s homes. But after two decades, method of messengers invitation has changed to buy the invitation cards. Most of the cards are ordered from India. Some of cards are designed with the beautiful art, multi-colors and great styles. All details in the cards express both the Punjabi and India cultures.

The weddings of the Thai Sikhs always celebrate for social part at the hotels, before the Sikh ceremony is conducted at Gurdwara (the Sikh temple). The celebration parties in a half of century time have changed a lot. Especially the ring ceremony is not important in the Sikh has become integral part of Sikh wedding. The families like to organize and include in the social part. It is because of the fact that Thai Sikhs are in the business group and have large money to spend.


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How to Cite

คำวัง อภิรัฐ. 2019. “The Principle of Sikhism on “One Soul in Two bodies” and the Wedding Ceremony ‘Anand Karaj’ of the Thai Sikh Community”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 23 (1-2):215-52.



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