Sex/Gender Pluralism in Thailand and the Politics of Identity


  • นฤพนธ์ ด้วงวิเศษ Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (Public Organisation)


Sexual Diversity, Homosexuality, Transgenderism, Sexual Identity, Heteronormativity, Queer Culture, Sex/Gender Pluralism, LGBT Rights Movement


The recent studies of homosexual and transgender people in Thailand focused on two main approaches. The first is a study of social discourses in sexual discrimination and stigmatization of gay, lesbian, and transgender people. This approach concerns with the negative effects that happened on queer people who are identified as sexual deviant, abnormal, moral disorder and social problem. The other approach is a study of sexual identity and culture in which queer people create and build their community and lifestyles. This approach seeks to give the voice of queer people and enhance the positive understandings of non-normative sexual behaviors and identities.

This paper investigates the theoretical limitation of these two approaches and argues that dominant paradigm of western gender and sexual categorization is problematic and irrelevant to study the complex and dynamic situations found in Thai same-sex and cross-gender behaviors and culture. The present universalist paradigm of LGBT rights movement needed to be questioned in term of power/knowledge politics that obscure the queer culture and sex/gender pluralism outside the west such as Thai society. Definitely, modern Thai LGBT rights movement is served for those middle-class queer people who dominate the sexual identity politics.


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How to Cite

ด้วงวิเศษ นฤพนธ์. 2019. “Sex/Gender Pluralism in Thailand and the Politics of Identity”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 25 (2):137-68.