The Colors of Local Lives


  • นิติ ภวัครพันธุ์ Faculty of Political Science Chulalongkorn University


Local lives, Culture, Southern Thai, Northern Malayu


This paper argues that the areas where two cultures meet have become the “places” that have their own “local lives”. These local lives have their own cultures, which in a way are different from the neighbouring cultures. This is the result of mixing and blending different cultures together for a long time. But the process of mixing and blending is never stop since the changes from outside keep coming to such places. The local lives are, therefore, dynamic, complex and adaptive to outside forces.


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How to Cite

ภวัครพันธุ์ นิติ. 2019. “The Colors of Local Lives”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 25 (2):205-35.