

  • สุสัณหา ยิ้มแย้ม Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Work conditions, health problems, woodcarving workers


Woodcarving is a well-known industry within the informal work sector in the city of Chiang Mai. Most woodcarving workers are sub-contractors, and this contractual status has the potential to impact upon the health of themselves and of their family, if there are inappropriate controls put in place to ensure good working conditions. The research study combined both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, in order to study background data about the working conditions and health problems among wood carving workers in Khunkhong sub-district, Hang Dong, in Chiang Mai Province. Data gathering methods included the interview by questionnaire of 100 female woodcarving workers, relevant document reviews, unstructured discussions with key informants, and also observation of the work process and environment. Furthermore, in-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted with 69 people, covering wood carvers, entrepreneurs, community leaders, health officials and village health volunteers. In addition, a forum was arranged to present and verify the collected data and also to receive additional information from a further 81 people who were also wood carving workers, entrepreneurs, health officials and public health volunteers.

The study found that most female workers do the decoration and the assembly work. Also, many workers interviewed know that they face risk factors and may experience health problems from their work, particularly from sitting in continually inappropriate positions, from contact with and inhalation of dust and chemicals, as well as further risks from operating the machines. Illnesses most frequently reported included aches and pains, especially backache. These were followed by asthma and other respiratory diseases, gastric ulcers, eye and eyesight problems, skin problems, and accidents. If the health problems are minor, workers take care of them by themselves. However, for serious illnesses beyond their ability to treat, they go to a health station.


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How to Cite

ยิ้มแย้ม สุสัณหา. 2019. “สภาพการทำงานและพฤติกรรมการดูแลสุขภาพของสตรีที่ทำงานไม้แกะสลัก”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 20 (1):175-207. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jss/article/view/173779.