Charles F. Keyes and the New Direction in Tai Studies


  • วสันต์ ปัญญาแก้ว Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University


Charles F. Keyes,, Weberian approach, Tai Studies, Ethnicity, Mainland Southeast Asia


This paper attempts to explore a major work of anthropologist Charles F. Keyes who has made a valuable contribution to the study of culture in mainland Southeast Asia. Situating Keyes’s works as Weberian anthropology, not surprisingly, Tai Studies or the study of Tai cultures conducted by Keyes has focused in particular on the destiny of the Tai peoples within a historical context, power relations, modernization, and the formation of the modern nation-state. This Weberian approach has inevitably led Keyes to pay attention to the study of the politics of ethnicity. Keyes’s investigation on the politics of ethnicity is nevertheless selective and tends to be emphasized by his analysis of the state, as the actor, rather than everyday practices mobilized by ordinary peoples. This article argues that to fruitfully continue Keyes’s legacy on Tai Studies one must pay attention to the study of identity politics and the practice of everyday life. This ‘academic extension’ not only shows us Keyes’s contribution (and limitation) to the study of Tai cultures but also an alternative direction of Tai Studies and the anthropological study of Tai peoples under the powerful circumstance of regionalization and the global flows of capital, commodities, people, and information across national borders.


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How to Cite

ปัญญาแก้ว วสันต์. 2019. “Charles F. Keyes and the New Direction in Tai Studies”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 19 (1):231-75.