Fortunately, I Have Not Been Banned Yet: Uncertainties and Entrepreneurial Self of Platforms’ Food Delivery Workers


  • Karanyapas Pooyongyut Chiang Mai University


digital platform economy, food delivery worker, uncertainty, entrepreneurial self


This research article aims to study the uncertainties that platform food delivery workers, or “riders”, have to confront in their working life, as the work processes and technologies behind these platforms have been specifically designed to be the source of these uncertainties. Other factors of uncertainties include restaurants and customers who have more power than the workers, necessitating riders to accept or develop the entrepreneurial self to handle these uncertainties, and make their workflow smoother. To survive in this market, riders have to make themselves business units, embrace more risks, and use creative methods to maximise their labor. However, due to the harsh working conditions, there have been many attempts by riders to organise and protests demanding greater worker protection. Simultaneously however, riders are hesitant to lose their independent work for these platforms, despite the many insecurities they face.


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How to Cite

Pooyongyut, Karanyapas. 2023. “Fortunately, I Have Not Been Banned Yet: Uncertainties and Entrepreneurial Self of Platforms’ Food Delivery Workers”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 35 (1):24-61.