The Reflection of Thai Queer Studies Through Western Queer Controversy


  • Narupon Duangwises -


Over the three decades, queer studies in the Western world had been controversial in term of the methodology and issues studied between the sexual subject queer focused on sexual desire and subjectless queer, which interested in critiques of power regimes that created discrimination and social inequality. The argument between the two approaches reflect that the queer knowledge is difficult to define. Consequently, many scholars continue to debate and seek to explain the complex and dynamic human experiences of gender and sexuality. Likewise, Thai queer studies are reviewing and questioning rights, equality, identities and the ever-changing definition of gender and sexual subject. This makes queer studies in Thailand both a political movement for sexual/gender diversity and challenging mainstream heteronormative sexual knowledge


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How to Cite

Duangwises, Narupon. 2023. “The Reflection of Thai Queer Studies Through Western Queer Controversy”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 35 (2):185-219.