The Construction of Cultural Scenes of Madi Village, Ruijin, China


  • Keeratiporn Jutaviriya Khon Kaen University


cultural scenes, rural revitalization, Madi village, China


The Construction of Cultural Scenes of Madi Village, Ruijin, China


This research article aims to study the construction of cultural scenes in Madi Village, Ruijin, China. The data used to compose the article were obtained from qualitative research in the first phase, which was a document search using the theory of Cultural Scenes to explain the studied phenomenon. The results of the research indicate that five elements in constructing the cultural scenes of Madi Village are complete: Madi Village community; physical structures; diverse group of people; cultural activities and cultural values. Madi Village has constructed five cultural scenes based on the above five elements: daily life cultural scene; folk traditional cultural scene; eco cultural scene; public cultural scene and the rural production cultural scene. The cultural scenes constructed in Madi Village reflects the unique charm of Madi Village. Strengthen the villagers' sense of belonging and identity. Bringing groups of people together also brings consumption power creativity, technology, etc. come in to help Madi Village escape poverty and achieve economic, cultural, political ideology, etc. development, until Madi Village finally achieves rural revitalization.




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How to Cite

Jutaviriya, Keeratiporn. 2024. “The Construction of Cultural Scenes of Madi Village, Ruijin, China”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 36 (1):87-116.