Organic Farmer under the Power Space of Organic Farming Standards in Modern Society

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Warachart Wariwan
Benchawan Boontosang


This article presents the critical issues of the organic farming system for trade. The organic farming standard is the mechanism by which power relationships are established to control farmers in the production process. The farmers have to control their thoughts and methods of farming intensely to achieve the goal of being a good organic farmer through the production of high quality, high volume and safe from chemicals. The organic farming standard is a practice of power under the regime of truth that led to the requirement for organic farmers to obey and surrender. Finally, this practice of power penetrates into the minds and soul of farmers The body of farmers become the space under disciplinary power who control yourself intensely for space and time to be named as a perfect organic farmer. Finally, this article tries to provide an outlet for modern organic farmers to literacy in the power, knowledge and truth as organic farmers who can be questioned and negotiated with a standard or expert to design their organic way of life by freely and make a choice in their own organic.


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How to Cite
Wariwan, W., & Boontosang, B. (2019). Organic Farmer under the Power Space of Organic Farming Standards in Modern Society. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 14(1), 14_119–140. Retrieved from
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