The Lotus-Bud Style Chedi at Wat Chedi Yod Thong, Phitsanulok Province: An Art Evidence of the Sukhothai Period

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Paweena Buhra


This article aims to study the artistic style and the dating of the lotus-bud style chedi at Wat Chedi Yod Thong in Phisanulok Province. By using the art history research methodology to analyze the ground plan, style of chedi and its relations to defining characteristics of other lotus-bud style chedies during the Sukhothai period, this paper argues that the artistic style of the chedi at Wat Chedi Yod Thong reflects the strong influence of the lotus-bud style chedi at Wat Chedi Chet Theo, Sri Satchanalai, Sukhothai province and the ground plan of Wat Chedi Yod Thong having chedi at the center together with the vihara or shrine hall and surrounded by water which designated the sacred area of the temple demonstrates the popular style of ground plan of the Sukhothai period. All of these seem to suggest that the dating of the lotus-bud style chedi at Wat Chedi Yod Thong should be around early 15th century A.D. before the Ayutthaya kingdom extended both political power and artistic influence on Phitsanulok.


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Buhra, P. (2019). The Lotus-Bud Style Chedi at Wat Chedi Yod Thong, Phitsanulok Province: An Art Evidence of the Sukhothai Period. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 14(1), 14_141–162. Retrieved from
Research Paper


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