Guidelines of Management for Developing Welfare System and Quality of Life of Elderly People in Lampang Province

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Wilailux Promsen
Piyarat Wongchummali
Paweena Ngamprapasom


The objectives of this research were 1) to study factors influencing the quality of life of elderly people in Lampang province and 2) to examine guidelines for improving the quality of life of elderly people in Lampang province. The research has been conducted by a mixed methods approach combining the quantitative and qualitative researches. The quantitative method used survey forms for 400 elders in Lampang province. The qualitative method included the semi-structured in-depth interviews of 9 elders and the focus group discussion with 7 governmental or private institutes and organizations performing in service or providing welfares for elders in Lampang province. The descriptive statistical analysis was done in terms of Frequency, Percentage, Min, Max, Mean, and Standard Deviation. The inferences statistical analysis consisted of (1) Exploratory Factor Analysis: EFA to seek for Structural Equation Model: SEM, and (2) causal influence analysis of factors and important composition by using Partial Least Square: PLS and Content Analysis techniques.

The findings showed that important factors or elements for developing the quality of life of Lampang elders were 1) mental condition by giving them opportunities to do what they like and creating conditions for elders to reduce their anxiety of being abandoned, 2) attention from family and community and 3) factors influencing on their physical health and self-help capability which are economic stability related factors such as having stable income and no debt. Suggesting guidelines for developing the potential and welfare systematization for elderly people in Lampang province in order to prepare for entering to an ‘Aging Society’ was a setting up of a core committee having members from every sector of the province and an integration of coordinating work to reduce the working redundancy. The format of social welfare system should be a mixed pattern between (1) Public Assistance and (2) Social Services in order to promote the Participatory Learning (PL) focusing on a participation of all involving units including the elders who were the main target of the operation.


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Promsen, W., Wongchummali, P., & Ngamprapasom, P. (2019). Guidelines of Management for Developing Welfare System and Quality of Life of Elderly People in Lampang Province. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 14(1), 14_227–250. Retrieved from
Research Paper


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