Migrant Workers and an Economic Animalization under Subalternity: A Case of Migrant Workers in Thailand.

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Kammales Photikanit
Patcharin Sirasoonthorn
Watcharabon Buddharaksa


This article aims to exhibit the flowing of power and language by using Thai’s state policy formulation to create migrant worker’s significanceas a set of truth which has been accepted as a proof.   The documentary research by   adopting Gramscian approach which based on critical science paradigm and  interpretive approach had been   applied as a major research     methodology. The author adopts  metaphor of thehomo-economicus to express the relations between Thai state’s policy formation and their economic alliance’s implementation which affected migrant worker’s   subalternity. The research found that the economic animalization was   operated based on the initiative thoughts of Thai state’s policy   formation which related to       dehumanization process. By doing this process, the migrant workers as men was metamorphosed into animals who has more economic benefits, but less social values. The significant of   migrant worker’s voices was also deformed into an animal screaming which cannot speak by their own voices. Rather, they had to live   under the story narrative by the  authority who has power to make policies for those migrant workers. Here migrant workers as        animals symbolized the insignificant and the condition of out of sight, out of mind. The economic      exploitations had been highlighted as major concerned by Thai state. While, the migrant worker’s human dignity has not received a clear answer yet.


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How to Cite
Photikanit, K., Sirasoonthorn, P., & Buddharaksa, W. (2019). Migrant Workers and an Economic Animalization under Subalternity: A Case of Migrant Workers in Thailand. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 13(2), 13_99–119. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssnu/article/view/208722
Research Paper


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