The Rise of Antagonism: The Chiang Mai Province People’s Network for Self-Governing Administration and Its Reaction Against the Hegemonic Centralising State

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Prin Nithat-ek


Focusing on the decentralisation process in Thailand, the role of the Chiang Mai Province People’s Network for Self-Governing Administration (CMPPNSA) is taken as a case study. This article intends to explore three aspects of the movement: its formation, strategy, and impact in the context of a centralising state. By using Chantal Mouffe’s concept of hegemonic formation and antagonism, and William Roseberry’s concept of hegemonic process and language of contention as theoretical frameworks, this paper analyses the various ideological practices used by the state and the movement in a contest of political discourse. The study evaluates the movement of CMPPNSA as a new democratic struggle which plays a constitutive role by redefining the rules of the political game along democratic lines, and constituting a new social grammar in Thai politics.


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Nithat-ek, P. (2019). The Rise of Antagonism: The Chiang Mai Province People’s Network for Self-Governing Administration and Its Reaction Against the Hegemonic Centralising State. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 13(2), 13_187–216. Retrieved from
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