The Creation of New Culture and the Historical Plays of Luang Wijitwatakarn: The Structure of Feeling and Militarist Nationalist Memory under the People’s Party Military Wing

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Kriangsak Chetpatanavanich


This article argues that under the process of modernization during the reign of King Chulalongkorn and the period of emergent capitalism, there arose a new structure of feeling in Thailand: the feeling that birth and status are not the measure of man, and that lead to the changes or a “revolution” in socio-political structures and relations that in turn gave rise to the “democracy” established by the People’s Party (Khana Rajsadon). This structure of feeling continues to adapt itself from generation to generation in relation to the ongoing process of modernization, while also coexisting alongside the old structure of feeling that has not faded away. This research looks at the creation of a new culture through “Statism” (Rataniyom) and the historical plays composed by Luang Wijitwatakarn and popularized through dramatic production. Both “Statism” and the plays exist as cultural or artistic artifacts, representing and forging the common feelings and experiences of members of the military wing of the People’s Party into a shared understanding and reality, and which reveals itself through concrete political structures and the organization of social relations along military lines. At the same time, this militarist structure of feeling existed alongside and intermingled with the structure of feelings of the mid-level bureaucrats and the intellectual middle class identified with democracy. The military wing therefore preserved the political structure of the People’s Party: the constitution, a parliament, and government elected by parliament, but which are coupled to leadership by the military strongman and the organization of social relations itself along military lines. With succeeding generations, these structures have changed and will continue to transform, forming part of the long and unfinished revolution.


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Chetpatanavanich, K. (2019). The Creation of New Culture and the Historical Plays of Luang Wijitwatakarn: The Structure of Feeling and Militarist Nationalist Memory under the People’s Party Military Wing. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 13(1), 13_27–47. Retrieved from
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